Meet Morgan blye
My passion
The purpose of my business is to create garments that are sustainable, timeless and Australian made.
I began this business sewing and designing everything from hand. I loved how each piece was individual, slowly and lovingly made. I would wake up and just want to be behind the sewing machine creating something. I loved how I could turn a flat piece of fabric into something wearable. I loved the durability and quality of the garments that were sewn by my machines, and I loved sourcing fabrics, learning to sew with different textiles and adding trims like zips, buttons and tailoring.
It is a skill that you will never really master, there is always something new to learn; a trick taught by a mentor or an easier way to create your project or to add extra detailing.
I support, and am working towards, a more sustainable fashion industry in Australia.

Our difference
We support small businesses here in Australia from the fabric supplier, our label supplier, our sampling teams & manufacturing teams.
Our designs are made to be comfortable, durable and timeless. Our goal is for every woman wearing our garments to feel elegant and stylish, effortlessly.

At Morgan Blye we feel strongly that we should be buying quality made, durable products made in Australia, and wearing and cherishing them for a long time.
The fashion industry has boomed over the last 10-20 years and with online shopping becoming so easy and accessible it has created a huge chain of fast fashion that is detrimental to our world. Morgan Blye is putting a stop to this, one garment at a time. We believe in the slow fashion industry and a more sustainable way of manufacturing and using the clothes we wear.